Our Health

If Washington lawmakers were listening to Us, they’d insist on policies that promote nutrition, safety and healthy living.

But mega-corporations have caught the ear of our representatives so health and safety measures always seem to get sidelined.

Connect the Dots

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  • Let’s look at gun violence and connect the dots...


    The total number of deaths from gun violence in the United States in 2016.


    ….of Americans support background checks for gun sales and 67% support a federal database to track gun sales.


    The amount the gun lobby spent during the 2016 election cycle to elect candidates that refuse to support even modest new gun laws.


    The number of bills this Congress has passed to reduce gun violence despite the 275+ mass shootings that occurred in 2017 alone.

    Sources: Everytown.org, Gallup, Open Secrets, The New York Times

  • Let's look at food subsidies and connect the dots...


    Big Agri-Business spends hundreds of millions of dollars annually on campaign contributions and lobbying to tilt government policy in its direction.

    $19.2 billion

    The return on its political investment that Big Ag has earned since 1995 in the form of taxpayer subsidies for corn and soy-based sweeteners and starch -- key ingredients in many junk foods.


    Increase in the likelihood of childhood obesity since the 1980s.

    Sources: Open Secrets, US PIRG

The Solution

Let’s build a small donor matching system for funding campaigns. And make it about Us.

A government of, by and for the people should act to keep its citizens safe and healthy. It’s time for Us to have citizen owned elections, take back our government and make Our Health a number one priority.

Sign the Petition

Funding campaigns with a small donor matching system is a real solution to make sure that the voices of everyday Americans are heard again in Washington. Add your voice today by joining Us.

The Latest

Biden signs $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill, clearing way for stimulus checks, vaccine aid

• Mar 11, 2021

President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Thursday afternoon as Washington moves to send fresh aid this month.

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If Democracy Gets Money-Whipped This Time Around, It May Never Rise Again

• Mar 08, 2021

Now that the Senate has managed to produce a COVID relief package that only happens to be the greatest piece of social legislation since the Great Society, thanks in no small part to the efforts of voters in the state of Georgia, the passage of H.R. 1, the For The People Act, has become more than urgent. It’s possible that the law is the last chance that democracy has against outraged privilege and the money power. The big guns are primed and ready. From, forgive me, Fox News: Heritage Action for America, a conservative nonprofit tied to the right-leaning think tank The Heritage Foundation, on Monday will announce that it plans to spend at least $10 million on efforts to tighten election security laws in eight key swing states. The details of the effort, first obtained by Fox News, will include digital and television ads, volunteer issue advocacy campaigns and lobbying state legislatures directly. Heritage Action will target Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Texas and Wisconsin, all considered key swing states after the 2020 election. The $10 million will be an initial seed investment with more likely to come, Fox News is told.

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After Stimulus Victory in Senate, Reality Sinks in: Bipartisanship Is Dead

• Mar 06, 2021

President Biden ran for the White House as an apostle of bipartisanship, but the bitter fight over the $1.9 trillion pandemic measure that squeaked through the Senate on Saturday made clear that the differences between the two warring parties were too wide to be bridged by Mr. Biden’s good intentions.

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Hear Us

Voices from around the country.

I believe that getting big money out of our politics will positively affect the health of Americans. By getting rid of the chemical industry’s influence we will be able to remove the harmful chemicals and ingredients that are currently allowed in our personal care products and food supply (often unknown to the consumer). As a parent this issue is important to me because of the links between these harmful ingredients and behavioral health issues, chronic health conditions, and cancers.

, A Business Owner from Glen Burnie, MD