A Civil Rights Perspective on Money in Politics

• Jul 06, 2016

The increasingly dominant role of mega-donors in funding American elections has reached a tipping point, further marginalizing those who are not independently wealthy or who do not have access to wealthy donors — particularly women and communities of color. This project features a diverse set of elected officials from across the country explaining how public financing systems provide a pathway toward a more equal and participatory democracy that gives these citizens a voice by:

Lowering Barriers to Entry that prevent candidates without access to large sums of money from running.

Changing the Way Politicians Campaign by encouraging them to focus outreach and fundraising efforts on average constituents rather than on large donors.

Increasing Citizens’ Engagement in the political process by ensuring they have a meaningful voice.

Enhancing Constituent Representation by giving elected officials the tools to govern without having to devote inordinate amounts of time to high-dollar fundraising.


Learn more about this great project here.

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