Make Leadership, Not Voting, Mandatory
• Mar 19, 2015
National Journal By: Ron Fournier
President Obama is like the half-baked doctor who diagnoses what's wrong with you and prescribes the wrong medicine. Good call, bad doctor. Take two major ails of the U.S. political system:
1. Declining voter participation, particularly among young and minority voters who are most likely to feel disenfranchised.
2. An unhealthy approach to financing campaigns after Citizens United, the Supreme Court ruling that outlawed restrictions on political spending.
Obama’s prescription? Force everybody to vote.
“In Australia, and some other countries, there’s mandatory voting,” the president said Wednesday in Cleveland, where he addressed middle-class economics. “It would be transformative if everybody voted””that would counteract money more than anything.”
Transformative how? Counteract money in what way? “The people who tend not to vote are young, they’re lower income, they’re skewed more heavily towards immigrant groups and minority groups,” Obama said.
Oh, so it would be transformative in the sense of helping the Democratic Party? In other words, this is a partisan play. “There’s a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls.”
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